Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Write a cinquain

7th grade you will write a cinquain on sunsets. First read Daybook p.81-82. Yes complete the chart. Get a feel for sensory language. Brainstorm how a sunset looks, sounds, smells, or how it makes you feel. Use similes as well. Consider a thesaurus because cinquains are set up by syllables per line, you may want more word choices.
Use this link to help with the correct format. Scroll down the left menu and click cinquains. After you have filled in all the lines, click create and copy and paste into Microsoft Word so you can save it on your flashdrive. (Ask 8th for help if you don't understand)

Anne Sullivan

Click this link to read a bio on Anne Sullivan. Take notes on her achievements and infer what kind of person she must have been. Then read the autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt (Daybook p. 118-9) noting the same things. On p. 120 in Daybook compare and contrast these 2 women (at least 2 paragraphs) instead of the directions stated.